{default title => NULL} {default description => NULL} {default keywords => NULL} {default robots => 'all'} {if !empty($title)}{$title} | {/if}Porter.sk {if $lang == 'en'} {else} {/if} {if $lang == 'en'} {else} {/if} {block head}{/block}
{**} {*if !$user->isLoggedIn()}


porter hotline


porter hotline
{/if*} {if $lang == 'sk'} {* WIDGET *} {*include 'inc/leftForm.latte'*}
Rýchla cenová ponuka 

Získajte najlepšiu cenu na trhu.

{form translationOfferForm}


porter hotline
{input name, placeholder => 'Meno a priezvisko'}
{input email, placeholder => 'E-mail'}
{input phone, placeholder => 'Telefón'}
{input note, class => 'textfield', placeholder => 'Popis prekladu: termín dodania, úradný / neúradný preklad, do akého jazyka/ov'}
{* uploaded files *} {snippet priceOfferFiles} {var $files = $presenter->getUploadedFiles('priceOfferForm')} {if $files->count('*')}
Nahraté súbory:
{foreach $files as $file} {$file->name} {sep}, {/sep} {/foreach}
{/if} {/snippet} {label file /} {input file, class => 'ajax-upload widget_file', data-upload-url => $presenter->link('uploadFile!', array('priceOfferForm')), data-refresh-url => $presenter->link('refreshFiles!')}

Price calculator 

porter hotline

The simplest and the fastest way how you can calculate a preliminary price of the translation you have selected.
Price calculator

Online order 

porter hotline

Send an online order.
We are saving your time and speeding up the communication...
Online order


porter hotline
hotline number

We shall be glad to provide all necessary information on current prices, discounts, bonuses, and advantages for contractual customers on our Hot line number.

{if !$presenter->isLinkCurrent(':Frontend:Blog:*')}
{if $presenter->context->params->productionMode} {* zopim chat *} {* google analytics *} {* GOOGLE ADWORDS REMARKETING KOD *} {* FB REMARKETING KOD *} {/if}